Life is good. My seeds are sprouting at an amazing ratio. The speed of the germination has caught me off guard. I’ve had to put in some extra hours to keep up with it. I suppose that’s why my co-workers call me “the germinator”! No one knows why the seeds I plant have such a better success ratio… I love gardening, maybe that’s why? That considered, I’ll put some pictures of my sprouts/plants up soon.

 Onto more pressing matters. I usually dribble out my information a little at a time so I don’t shock the reader/listener. This time I feel like cutting straight to it.

 What is going to happen to our Father’s house? What about our Mother’s property? I may be wrong, yet the general idea from my unique point of view is that our parents hope to sell their home and retire on that money. There’s one problem. No one has the money to afford a house! I’m afraid we will have an overflow of penniless, homeless, disabled elderly. The children of today will refuse to help because they might risk damaging their style or popularity. This is a real problem that no one ever mentions. Small business owners started a business for the same reason. To build it, sell it and retire. The young people today seem to have no interest in doing any hard work. They have no concept of sacrifice let alone working hard and long enough to be self-sufficient. (A country boy can make it in a city, but a city boy can’t handle the country) I’m not just worried about who will look after our elders. I’m worried about who will buy their homes and property. I know the people around here would rather sell their house than give it away to a son/daughter that did nothing but loaf around. Hard working people naturally have disdain for loafers, I understand that. I know first-hand that my generation doesn’t have any real chance to save money. Wages are low and costs are high. I wish I had the money to buy the houses and property of the elderly. I have money saved, but the cost of a house is a hundred-thousand dollars at minimum. I certainly don’t have that much saved. I also know first-hand that my generation refuses to admit they are wrong. Admitting you’re wrong means you should change what was wrong into what is right. Just ask the older generation about making mistakes if you want to know more. Meanwhile the younger generation complains that their daddy doesn’t just give them the house. It seems like a silly complaint to me. It’s normal for high-school graduates to move far away from home and go to university. It’s normal for university students to never call home, never visit and still feel entitled to the family fortune, which happens to be in the form of a house/property.

 So I guess we have old hard-working minds clashing with a self-absorbed, lazy minds. The self-absorbed people haven’t done any of the hard work necessary that would entitle them to what they feel should be automatically entitled to them. Living in the country, I’ve noticed that the weak people move away to cities. In their minds they are leaving a life behind them akin to slavery. That considered, do you ever see a television show that isn’t based in a city?

There are many things going on in the world today that trouble me. (I hope we all are troubled by these things.) So many people are distracted by television. We all have problems that would be taken care of if we spent our time constructively. Instead of watching a football game on your day off, we should be figuring out the necessary steps we need to take. We need to think about the future a lot more than we have. If you feel like me than you probably love animals, nature and sunshine. If I may be honest I’d say that I love those things more than people. I’m one of the few people left that feel a responsibility to clean the land instead of polluting it. My conscious wont let the Earth die. Call me an environmentalist if you like, although I don’t like being labeled.  The way I see it, people have dropped the ball when it comes to the environment. It’s about time we picked that ball up and started cleaning up this dirty world. I think it’s time people started putting their money where their mouth is.

The necessary steps we need to take to ensure a good future for the Earth that our children will live on is something we all need to think about. We also have financial worries. I worry about what I’m going to leave behind. I think the problems that we push to the back of our minds needs to be in the front.

I’ve been wanting to create an online journal for a while now. I guess I should get on it now or I’ll never get to it. First off I should tell the readers exactly what kind of online journal this is, or at least what I hope it will be.

Firstly, my reasons are selfish ones. I have always found writing to be therapeutic. I also feel that my ideas are worthy of sharing and you can benefit from knowing them. That last sentence considered, I also think that I can do better than most people at this. Most people’s ideas basically repeat something I already know and I hate wasting my time listening to someone who doesn’t know that I’m way beyond what they are trying to communicate. Writing for me is therapeutic. The written word doesn’t have to be shortened or simplified. If I have a thought that takes longer to explain than a person’s attention span can handle, then I suppose the written word is for me. Conventional therapy doesn’t work for me so I do what I call “unconventional therapy”. Which is something created by me, for me and not for resale.

Secondly, I want to start a debate. I cannot be completely self-centered if I didn’t consider my own personal growth process. How can I plant my feet firmly if I don’t think about the ground that surrounds me? That last sentence considered, I will write points of view that aren’t my own. I will occasionally present the opposite argument to my actual position. When you’re writing and not speaking it’s hard to know what tone someone is using. Whether the tone is sarcastic, parody, serious, etc. Sometimes all of those tones may be utilized. As the reader how are you going to tell what mood I’m in when I write something? Just remember one thing. I am human and my mind changes constantly. I am not monotone. So if you’re interested in an idea that I have and you’re not sure if I’m joking or not, just ask what I mean. If my intent was not what you thought it was. (which happens to me daily) Then we can start a philosophical debate! After all, when you actually try and discuss your ideas to someone who hates your ideas, that’s when you really learn how solid your ideas are.

Thirdly, I am generally frustrated with talking to brick walls known as people. At least with an online journal I may attract some like-minds. Some things that seem like obvious, common sense, even a child can understand things, aren’t accepted by society. A great example is the comparison between alcohol and cannabis. Example: If you’re at a hockey game and a fight breaks out. Who was more likely fighting? The people smoking cannabis or the people drinking? Answer: Obviously the people drinking… So, common sense would say. Alcohol promotes violence. That’s something we all know, don’t we? Alcohol promotes violence? Yes, it also promotes many other unsavory things… Yet violence is the topic for now. Cannabis also has it’s downfalls. However most of those are caused by stupid impressionable people emulating the Hollywood style “pothead”. Teenagers smoke Cannabis and get hypnotized by television, video games, smart phones etc. and they’re useless. I’m not defending Cannabis simply because of those idiot video game addicts who are currently creating a new stereotype…… That is an example of the topics I will be writing about. If you don’t like someone breaking stereotypes than you will hate me.

Fourthly, I absolutely hate how people accept everything they hear on the news at face value. The only thing that should be accepted at face value is money. even money now-a-days is a scam(that’s a topic for later). I wrack my brain as to why and how people got so gullible. I wonder everyday why people believe everything they hear. That last sentence considered, I also don’t understand how some people can lie so easily. I know that people are gullible. That doesn’t mean I will take advantage of it. I deplore such practice. I am somewhere in the middle of knowing and naive. I admit that I am gullible too on an occasion. However, when i am involved, the same mistake is never made twice..


Thanks for your time. If you like what I have to say come back weekly. The exhaustion from my job keeps me from doing this daily. I hope you had as much fun reading as I did writing.


Doyle Dewolfe