Human Weakness Part 1

The average person believes human beings to be the smartest, most advanced and capable creatures on the planet. I do not think this is so. Humans may have more capabilities, although we also have multitudes more weaknesses. It is these weaknesses that I will focus on here. I am not going put them in any particular order, they are all bad, some are worse than others and they are not organized as such. So don’t think that the first is the worst.

Before I begin, I feel I must address some strengths first. Thumbs are the first thing I can think of that separate us from the animal kingdom. The ability to understand complex mathematics is another. On a side note. I have observed my cat catching many mice and his precise method of doing so. Like calculating when a train traveling south at forty mph and a train traveling west at twenty-five mph will meet. My cat springs towards his destination arriving at the same time as the mouse. That considered, the unique skill of mathematics that humans have developed can break down the actions of my cat into an equation. Animals perform feats of mathematics multiple times per day, human beings break it down to math and logic, over and over. Also the medium I am engaged in is unique to humans. The written word provides a reference or a written memory for future generations to look upon. Our ancestors knew how to make a message last. They wrote everything important on stones. The written word in my opinion has been a positive to the human species as a whole. The exception to that being the people deemed by the higher ups responsible for creating and distributing the written word to the masses. The ones who decides what gets published as written word have degraded the practice of writing to the point that in today’s world people would rather dry their clothes in the rain than read more than five pages of writing.

Having control of the written word has a distinct advantage as long as the ones reading don’t question what they read. So, gullibility will be the first thing I write about. Every person ever born has believed something that isn’t true. Ninety-five percent of people believe everything they hear from an authoritative source like the television or newspaper. I don’t know this for a fact, yet I would bet that around only eighty percent of person to person interaction is perceived as being true. Every major event in history is marred with lies. Even information about the Great Pyramids are saturated with lies. How far do these lies go? When did people start believing them? The path that the human species would’ve walked to reach the present moment would have been drastically different if we all knew a lie as soon as we heard it. I, personally have been deceived in the past. In hindsight it looks so clear, however when you are living the moment your innervision isn’t as good as it is in hindsight. The ability to discern is apparently not there. I used to wrack my brain trying to figure out how to wake up gullible people. Then I discovered that the reason they don’t listen to me is because I don’t own any badges with the label; Authority Figure. I’ve tried providing evidence to their face, despite the evidence in front of them, the average person will say 999/1000 that the guy on television is right.

In the year 1999 the internet was starting to make headway as far as exposing the big lies. Ever since 9-11 the lies have been swallowed like medicine. When the real medicine is the medicine that will let you know when you have been hoodwinked!

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